What�s so good about Mobile Phone Sat Nav?
Incredibly portable sat nav system. Wherever you go you'll have your phone. Wherever you go you'll have your satnav system!
No need to buy multiple devices or an expensive in-dash system. CoPilot Live actually does MORE than most sat nav systems, and calculates trips faster than any!
Easy to move between vehicles and to take with you when you leave the vehicle (rather than leaving behind for car thieves!)
Ideal for use when walking
Connected to the Internet. Using CoPilot Live's real-time tracking service or traffic updates is simple with a Smartphone�s built-in Internet Connectivity *
Cost-effective. Buy CoPilot Live smartphone from a Mobile Operator like T-Mobile and you'll get the phone and Sat Nav for less!
Why would you get a phone without Sat Nav? Once you have had a phone with Sat Nav on-board, you'll never consider buying a phone without it
* Availability of the real time traffic information service varies by region and product. Not available for Motorola A780.